by Pearl Snyder

I am old —
Didn’t use to be.
Never meant to be —
Never believed old
Could happen to me.
When did I become old?
I don’t rightly know.
Been too busy living
To know if it was age
Or a day of work
Which made bedtime
Earlier than once it was.
Used to figure — life’s ahead
But now I think —
Better taste it now.
Enjoy the dawns
And the sunsets.
Step out and look
At the stars.
Forget the past —
Plan not for the future.
Life is today — Live it!
If there’s a thought you want to think —
Think it! If there’s a word
You want to say — Say it!
And, most of all, be yourself if
You be knowing who you are.
If you don’t know —
Try finding out!
If you love someone — tell them.
If you detest them — skip it.
What good comes from hurting another?