by Malaika Booker-Wright

A group of best friends are sitting at a round table in a restaurant. They’re discussing a hot topic. One of the friends is sitting in the corner not talking. Most people would say this friend is timid, inhibited, and/or passive.

They would label this friend, “shy.”

However, couldn’t this friend be someone who is tired of talking when no one is listening?

Couldn’t this friend be someone who has no need to prove their knowledge of the subject matter?

Couldn’t this friend be sympathetic enough not to insult the intelligence of others?

People don’t listen. It’s rare for one to speak before another breaks through one’s sentence with a rebuttal. If, by chance, one gets a complete thought out, others hear the words but only absorb parts that suit them.

Shy people hate to talk in vain. They would rather use the time and energy for constructive things and constructive people.

People talk a lot so everyone thinks they’re intelligent. For them, it’s never enough to know they are intelligent. They must prove it.

Shy people are content knowing they are intelligent, and have no need to prove their intelligence. They wonder if other’s mouths get tired of babbling on about things. Their ears get tired of listening to the babble.

Ever hear of the phrase, “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all?” This is the motto of all shy people.

They would rather be silent instead of using demure insults or obscene language to get their point across.

So, you see, shy people have been misunderstood for decades. The next time a shy person is quiet, ask them, “What are you really thinking?” They may answer truthfully. They may answer with “nothing,” in keeping with their motto. After this revelation, don’t you wish you were shy?