It is easy to teach cause and effect but, it can be a difficult concept to learn how one thing influences another thing directly or indirectly even though the aftereffects of that initial action can ring throughout history and burn into the future in one, small, twitch of the mind.

Textbooks are filled with examples of cause and effect, but how many of us are able to learn that dry lesson without shedding some blood or tears along the way?

The childhood swing is inert in its conscious state — but it also always honors its naming and remains in motion in stillness — and we learn that hard lesson by leaping on and getting tossed off by gravity and its pendulous swinging in and of the former and the now and the next. 

The best way to learn the greater ramifications of cause and effect is to experiment:  Taste the bitter essence of failure and suckle joy at the teat of success.

Train your taste and earn your delights — while shunning the darkness of the unrequited deed — and the body will follow you right into the light of your true mind. 


  1. That’s a good philosophy, Arin. I hope that includes getting things done as well!

  2. Well, I won’t know the “effect” of the “cause” until I try it…so, there I go….!
    It’s tough to be equally composed over failure and success though!

  3. Hi Katha —
    It is hard to make failure and success feel the same in the body and register neutrally in the mind — but that is our task today. Not too high and not too low. The even middle rounds us out.
    A favorite actor of mine said he reads no reviews of his work — especially the good reviews because, he said, “If you believe the good, you have to believe the bad. I prefer to believe neither.” That’s smart! Reviews are only opinions and the only opinion that matters is the one that belongs to those who can end your service. All others are just pretenders.

  4. Interesting!!!
    The one who has power over someone’s service etc. they are even more smarter and better pretenders -I guess!!!

  5. Hi Katha!
    The powerful have a great need to control others — if they do not express manipulation then they really have no role in society.

  6. Katha —
    Yes, a known reality that should become a distant fact! SMILE!

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