I love it when people have no idea about the definition of “Karma” — but still freely use it anyway in a sentence as an enforcer against their hoped-for punishment of someone else’s bad behavior.  They think Karma is something immediate and predictable and tangible and just around the corner waiting to pay you back.  If you make an immoral decision, God will wait get you in death — but Karma will punish you next Wednesday!

You know the type:  “Oh, I wouldn’t do that!  It’s bad Karma!  It’ll come back to bite you later!”

What those invoker jokers don’t realize is that the essence of Karma has nothing to do with your current life.  Karma is “paid back” in your next life — and Karma has nothing to do with the life you are currently perceiving.  Yes, Karma only applies if you believe in reincarnation!

Your present existence has nothing to do with Karma — and if you don’t believe in second, third and fourth lifetimes piling up behind you with bad Karma — then there’s no reason to fear the impending “punishment” of Karma coming back to bite you in a whole other realm.

Borrowing Karma to pursue a convenient religious agenda of immediate-retribution-through-misunderstanding — is both faithfully aggravating and morally prejudicial.

For some, bad behavior in others needs a quick and severe rebuke — but the Karma Invokers don’t want to be the one responsible for the meting of the punishment in judgment, so they wrongly dig up the Karma Monster hiding under your bed to snatch you back into the depths in the same lifetime the sin was created.

Karma, and its repercussions, are best left to those who practice the faith — while the rest of us can use our own totems of psychic punishment to inflict our morality and behavioral memes on other, unsuspecting, non-believers who will eventually get what’s coming to them in this lifetime or the next.


  1. Learn something new, every day. I’m sure of guilty of this one way or the other, David, either using it or preparing for it to hit me. Thanks for setting the record straight.

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