This week, Jann Sweenie and I are celebrating our 10 Year anniversary of teaching American Sign Language online at!  As part of this ongoing decade celebration, we are now offering more than 500 of our ASL video streaming teaching videos at no cost to you!

These videos are the core of our teaching and now, thanks to our new Vimeo PRO subscription, you may watch them stream right to your eye.  Easy.  Peasy.  Fresh.  Simple!

Hardcore ASL!



Here are the direct free video streaming links on our Hardcore ASL website:

Hardcore ASL Video FacialExpressions
Hardcore ASL Video HandShapes

Hardcore ASL Video Level One

Hardcore ASL Video Level Two
Hardcore ASL Video Level Three
Hardcore ASL Video Level Four
Hardcore ASL Video Level Five
Hardcore ASL Video Level Six
Hardcore ASL Video Level Seven

Now, to fully appreciate these videos, you will likely need to purchase the companion textbook, Hardcore ASL Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 from Amazon.

However, if you’re a current ASL student somewhere in the world, or an ASL teacher yourself, feel free to use these streaming videos to help you learn and teach others.

We still offer private ASL tutoring online and in person around the Tri-State area — and we can teach you the “Hardcore ASL” way using these 500 free streaming videos and the textbook.  If you’re interested, let us know, and we’ll get in touch with you about pricing.

We also updated all the Hand Jive videos for Vimeo PRO streaming!

You can now view 57 streaming videos from our Hand Jive book — and yes, some of the videos are grainy — but that’s because they were made in 2005!

America’s Third Language(2.07 MB)

PART ONE: Deaf Culture
Chapter 1: Getting Down with the Deaf
(4.98 MB)
Chapter 2: Don’t Make that Face at Me!
(811 KB)
Chapter 3: You Want a Pizza or a Lesbian?
(1.2 MB)

PART TWO: Throwing Down the Signs
Chapter 4: Form that HandShape
(3.84 MB)
Chapter 5: Check This
(1.2 MB)
Chapter 6: Step Off
(1.39 MB)
Chapter 7: Eat It!
(1.96 MB)
Chapter 8: The Fam and Your Peeps
(3.98 MB)
Chapter 9: Working for the Man
(3.20 MB)
Chapter 10: Health and Emergencies
(1.43 MB)
Chapter 11: Hooking Up
 (3.16 MB)


CHAPTER 1 — Sorry, no videos. This chapter is all talk!
CHAPTER 2 — Sorry, no videos.  This chapter is all stories!
CHAPTER 3 — (3 videos) 
CHAPTER 4 — (15 videos) 
CHAPTER 5 — Sorry, no videos. Hey, it’s an easy chapter!
CHAPTER 6 — (2 videos) 
CHAPTER 7 — (2 videos)  
CHAPTER 8 — (8 videos)  
CHAPTER 9 — (13 videos)  
CHAPTER 10 — (3 videos) 
CHAPTER 11 — (11 videos)

Time and technology and the evolution of teaching online has rocketed over the last decade and we can’t wait to find out what happens over the next ten years!


        1. We could have done that, but the technology wasn’t quite there yet. Vimeo Pro offers us just the sort of service we need to make this work the right way.

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