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Writing the Right Headline

Writing the right headline for articles is a task I take seriously as publisher of this blog because a headline is the first chew the eye takes when it visits your site. A good headline is one that entices that eye to swallow and keep gnashing for more. If your headline is without spice, the article is assumed to be tasteless as well.


Here are a few tips for creating a headline that not only curries
readers to keep reading but also helps keep your articles relevant in
search engine indexes. In a list of search returns the headline with
the most spit and spice gets the click!

1. Use Verbs. Words ending in “ing” are in current time, active in the
moment and not from the past or waiting in the future.

2. Use real words. Made-up words don’t index at all in search engines
because they are not words and translate as spelling errors.

3. Serve the spirit of your article. Your article title is not required
to appear word-for-word in your piece — it is better if it does
because it chains the text to your headline in a really grand way —
but the ideas expressed in your title must be distinguishable in your

4. Be brief. The body of your story will tell your story. Don’t give
away all your secrets in an extended title.

5. Singular words work better than plural words. If you can leave off
the “s” do so because the single specific is better than the murky

6. Titles that require punctuation should be re-written to not require

7. Dare to be interesting and teasing! Wondering what a title suggests
within the article is a good lure for deeper commitment from your

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