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Adding Fake Sound to Electric Cars

We all know technology can kill us — but we must learn to leave behind our current, menacing, totems if we ever hope to stretch into the future of us to create a cleaner and quieter world. There is an idiotic move afoot to make electric cars as noisy as their prehistoric gas-guzzling ancestors.

Here’s the idea of the ridiculous “added sound” mandate for these naturally quiet cars:

A proposed law, HR 5734, mandates noise making generators on quiet vehicles.

The National Federation for the Blind has been lobbying congress for noise making generators on hybrid-electric cars, claiming that the noise will allow their members to better hear them. If passed, automakers will be mandated to add external speakers on all hybrid vehicles.

Noise pollution is just as damaging as smog and other smoky emissions and to artificially add noise to something naturally quiet is just what one would expect from a disturbing and meaningless government intervention.

When mechanical horsepower replaced the horse and buggy — did the Blind want to add the sound of horse hooves on cobblestones to the pesky new automobiles?


The Blind learned to adapt to the new essence of the horseless carriage by adjusting their expectation and remaking their internal warning system.

Electric cars should have a silent, progressively vibrating, signal that will shake a wristwatch that the Blind will wear to help alert them to the oncoming danger of an approaching car.

There are many Deaf-Blind people right now that manage to cross streets just fine without being able to “hear” a car engine approaching.

With the urgent — and necessary — rise of the silent car, we will have to heighten our eyes and not rely so much on lazy hearing and the confounding mysteries of Doppler sound waves bouncing to-and-fro that ruin our quiet future with the expectation that transportation must always make noise — even added, artificial noise — to have a place in the streets while colding our hearts and mangling our ears.

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