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The Fender Swag Review

When you write a lot of blogs on a variety of topics, there are few real surprises left in life because you’ve read and written and dreamt it all.  However, after I wrote my Fender and Gibson branded clothing review, I was genuinely surprised to receive an email from Fender thanking me for my review. I paid for all the Fender and Gibson clothes in my original review and I did not contact Fender or Gibson to let them know my review was published.  Fender found me.  Gibson did not.

It’s a rare event to get any sort of feedback from a company on a review by chance or happenstance, and when Fender offered to send me some promotional swag, I was delighted to accept their offer. 

This “Fender Swag Review” consists of all the keen stuff Fender sent me — all of which you can buy right now in the Fender merchandise store — but, unlike my initial review, I didn’t have to pay for any of these fine items. 

First on the swag list is the Diablo Long Sleeve shirt.  This masterpiece of material has incredibly intricate touches:  Designer rivets, heavy gauge metal cuff links and a metal Fender insignia on the collar.  The embroidery is superb and the touches of black velvet in the fleur-de-lis are stunning. 

Next on the Fender Swag list is a GMP Die-Cast metal Stratocaster. 

Everything is here — but in a smaller size.  You have knobs you can spin, strings you can strum and a pickup switch that actually moves in three positions.  My mini Stratocaster is heavy, detailed, and a wildly successful imitation of my Custom Clapton “Blackie.”

Did you know Fender cells ceramic salt and pepper shakers?

Well, now you do, and while there is a temptation to move these collectibles into kitchen duty, I like them more and more as set pieces on my desk.

You can have your choice of a Fender Fearsome Foursome mug! 

I was given the Stratocaster mug and I’m presently using it to hold all of my pens and highlighters in one place. 

I have zero temptation to drink from this beautiful design because its beauty is in the service of writing and not quenching an undying thirst.

No Fender swag review would be complete without a couple of shirts.

The Fender t-shirt material is outstanding, thick, and durable and the size you think you are is the size that actually fits you.

Finally, my cool blue Fender logo hat is currently sitting atop my pretty, giant, head.

I not only feel warm and protected by my new chapeau, but I also know I am successfully expressing my branded, fevered, Fender love in that the initial investment I made in purchasing two Telecasters and an Eric Clapton Custom Stratocaster was the right decision.

Be sure to take a quick online tour of the Fender merchandise store

You will not be disappointed in the Fenderrific selections — and the depth of outstanding branded Fender items you can own today will definitely surprise you.

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