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Competitive Anger and the Rising Insult

One of the hardest things to negotiate in any relationship is competitive anger and the rising insult and we must work hard to extricate ourselves from the tricksy snare of its red tooth and claw.

Competitive anger and the rising insult begins with an innocuous look leading to an escalating glare and a high-alert furrowed brow. Then words are spoken in anger and a subtle hate begins to boil. Actions follow.

An erect middle finger stabs the air in rising insult. A palm becomes a fist. Shoulders tense in flight. Lines are tempted and crossed and one can never return emotional zero because the competitive urge must be filled with devastation and the rising insult only declines in explosion.

The most dangerous sort of competitive anger and the rising insult is contempt. Contempt lives a quiet and insidious life — but more than blackened eye or bleeding throat — contempt invisibly rots you out from the inside.

Contempt destroys families and careers and dreams. Contempt is unspoken, but never quiet. Contempt is ruthless, but always shy. Contempt is deadly when wielded in the name of those you claim to adore. Contempt is the most vicious killer of the precious and the beloved.

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