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Garry Davis and the World Citizen Movement: Life of Pleasure, or Pursuit of the Purity of Nothingness?

Garry Davis is 89-years-old and he’s a Man of the Universe and a Word Citizen.  Garry was born the privileged child of world-famous big band orchestra leader Meyer Davis, he trained as a student of drama at Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) and that intrinsic familial wealth and fame — along with the cherished opportunity for excellent education  — allowed Garry to live a life of the mind.  Garry’s biggest claim to fame — or insanity — is the notion that we are all citizens of the world, and not tethered to nations, and to prove that point, he created the Word Passport in order to test his belief.

The World Passport sprang out of the World Citizen/World Government movement Garry started in 1949 after becoming a disillusioned bomber pilot during World War II.

Ever since that watershed moment of self-discovery, Garry has been warring against the carving up of the world and its resources.  Garry believes we are all in this world together and that we should cooperatively govern while sharing resources.

Here’s a video of Garry making his case for a World Passport as he tries to re-enter the USA from Canada — it’s funny, and self-defeating of his entire argument, when one of the border guards obviously recognizes Garry and waives him through after Garry said he’s in a hurry and “doesn’t want to miss his 3pm tee time” for golf:

After viewing that video of Garry — what’s your take on him?  Is he right?  Is he a mad SuperGenius in pursuit of the purity of nothingness?  Or is he an idealistic, spoiled, little rich kid who never grew up?  Or is Garry a wizened old sage who speaks the unearthly truth to an invisible, but repressive, power?

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