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The Google Graveyard and where a Keep is Kept

If you haven’t visited The Google Graveyard yet — you need to go there and leave a flower or 40 — before your read this Google Keep review.  I admit I’m wary about investing even one second in Google Keep because of the company’s rotten history of starting neat products like Google Reader and Wave and then killing them while you’re in the middle of loving them.

Google Keep is a new note taking app that feels to me a lot like Google Tasks!

Will Tasks be killed as The Keep rises?

Here’s what Google Keep looks like in my Chrome browser.  It’s clean and simple and fast.  Keep is a perfect little place to save article ideas and other on-the-run thoughts.

Here’s what happens when I squeeze my browser window to become thinner — you get the mobile Google Keep view right in your desktop browser!  I spent a fun 90 seconds going from web view to mobile view just by stretching my Chrome browser window.

As clean and neat as Keep appears to be, I’m still a little wary to put any sort of effort into Google Keep, because I can imagine it might quickly become addictive, and perhaps, even convenient; and who wants that when they’ll only take it away from you later?

I see in the desktop view screenshot that Keep is kept in my Google Drive, but I cannot yet see any evidence of a Keep being stored there.  I understand that day will come and we will be able to see and manage and even start new Keeps in our Drives — but why wait?  Why isn’t that necessary feature enabled upon release of the product?  If my current Keeps are in Drive, I want to see them now.

I also find it odd we cannot drag-and-drop an image into a Keep.  You have to add an image the old way by clicking and choosing a file and clicking again.  Again, that is un-Google Drive behavior and I hope they get the image drag-and-drop enabled for us soon.

Are you going to use Google Keep?  Or have you had enough of the Google game of birthing and killing?

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