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Blogging with Passion and Magnitude

In a recent discussion here concerning the Etiquette of Blogroll Reciprocity, we wondered what gives a blog Magnitude, and today I will share my thoughts on the matter. There are two things you cannot beg or borrow or buy: Passion and Magnitude.

Passion and Magnitude are always bound together and must be offered and not taken. Successful blogs always offer Passion and Magnitude in every post and hope for the same in comments from the greater community. Blogging isn’t about life; blogging is the meaning of living in the shared moment.

All important blogs are, on some plane, a leveling of wishes against reality in order to define and give form to experience. How do you know if a blog has Passion and Magnitude? You feel it when you write it and you know it when you read it.

Too many bloggers run from the fact that what they do isn’t about human beings — it is, and has always been only about being human — and the difference between those two purposes is one of Passion and Magnitude.

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