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Bush is Back: When a National Nightmare Returns

George W. Bush is back in our nightmares with the opening of his massive Presidential “library” on the campus of Southern Methodist University — all built not to remind us of what a killer he was in the world, but rather what a great a guy he was as he meandered the halls of the White House choking on pretzels while Dick Cheney did all the dirty work as President-in-situ.

It does take some derring-do to throw a party for yourself and expect people to just forget the lies you told to a nation to send our soldiers off to an invented and manufactured war of induction and reduction.

How is it possible to invite all the living Presidents to your “museum” with a straight face so you can stand there and cry and feel proud of all the things you didn’t really do at all?  Except, of course, when you agreed to torture people and ruin our current economy with a war you couldn’t pay for, and oh, and that embarrassing Mission Accomplished thing that never was.

We’re in a severe economic debt that belongs squarely to President Cheney and his G.W. lapdog — and yet we get conservative Senators Graham and McCain and the other howlers trying to blame Obama for the fall of the USA and for the blight that was not Benghazi — when they were all a part of the machine that condemned us to this stake during their obedience to Cheney in the first place.

G.W. is fond of saying “don’t judge me now, give it fifty years” — because he knows if we really take a long and hard look at what he actually did to this country right now, he would be forever marked as one of the most deceptive and cruel Presidents ever elected in a free world.

Bush wants time and tide to flow for decades so he can quietly die off and not face the wrath of a history that will no longer be able to protect him because his Caucasian Chalk Circle of cronies and liars will all be dead and unable to defend the indefensible.

The hard lesson we must take from the Bush Library is that we cannot have another one of them in any state or form.  We know Daddy Bush famously said, “the wrong song became President,” and that clearly means we have Jeb on our horizon, and we, as free thinkers, and moral people, must do everything within our power to not have another gross go-around in the world so another Bush may get our kids’ blood on his hands and then label the massacre a successful lie where the truth will play out long after his death.

We must remember.  We must demand the truth.  We must never accept being lied to again by the people we voted to protect our bests interests at home and abroad.

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