Help Every Nation Build an Atom Bomb

Shouldn’t the ability to bomb the world back to the Stone Age be the right and responsibility of every nation in the world?

Building a Better Bomb

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The Democrat Wave: A Necessary Correction

Yesterday’s national election results send one clear message to the Bush administration: The game is over. The jig is up. Ye shall come clean.

2006 Election

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Drafting Wealthy and Powerful Children

In yesterday’s Washington Post, Rep. Charles Rangel from New York claimed the best way to make sure we don’t head into another private war-of-revenge like Iraq is to re-institute a draft for mandatory military service via the Selective Service System.

Bush bodies

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The Myth of Racial Harmony: Dumb and Dangerous

I recently heard on the radio 45% of American Black males do not graduate from high school. Why does their education end before their 18th birthday? Is there something culturally askew where education has no value? Are they born not to succeed in life? Is there a genetic code that denies them fruitful opportunity for living? The answer to those questions is a resounding: No!

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