Pair Networks QS-1 Server Upgrade Review

When you life your life on the web, the most important part of that devil’s bargain is finding the precisely right web hosting service that can meet your needs while sustaining and exceeding the robustness you hope bring to lighting up dark niches of the world.  For the past 18 months — our longest stint with any web hosting provider — we have been with Pair Networks on their entry level QuickServe QS-1 dedicated server and we are happy to announce we will be extending our contract with them for another year after upgrading our server to the new standard you see below.

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Pair Networks QuickServe Dedicated Server Review

As I finish staring into my navel — my gaze turns outward — and I am, once again, reflected back in your eyes while my head explodes, in super-slow motion, all over our brand new Pair Networks QuickServe Dedicated Server!

Continue reading → Pair Networks QuickServe Dedicated Server Review