How Did I Get Over 5,505 Facebook Friends?

I am always confounded by Facebook.  The social service is always changing things behind the scenes.  Nothing I look for a second time is ever found in the same place.  I wonder if that’s done by design or sheer arrogance?

My latest confoundidery happened last week when I discovered, for some reason, I had over 5,505 friends!  You can see in today’s screenshot of my Facebook page that number has dipped to 5,501 — I lose and gain friends all day long in bunches of threes and fours for reasons I have not yet been able to divine — and I have no idea how I was able to leap over the infamous and mean Facebook 5,000 friend barrier because I haven’t actively made any friends requests in over a year.

Continue reading → How Did I Get Over 5,505 Facebook Friends?

Facebook as Probiotic: I Now Have 5,000 Friends

This morning, at 9:27am, I reached that magical, if mythical, Facebook manna milestone of having 5,000 friends!  That’s the limit.  Facebook won’t let me have more than 5,000 friends.  I’ve maxed out my Facebook social network. Now what?

Continue reading → Facebook as Probiotic: I Now Have 5,000 Friends

Buying your DNA Secrets for Five Large

For $5,000.00USD, you can get your entire DNA chain mapped — and it will reveal the very essence of who you are and what makes you. 

Continue reading → Buying your DNA Secrets for Five Large