Bury My Casino at Wounded Knee

On December 29, 1890, at Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment finally took their revenge against the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes for the Battle of Little Bighorn that took the life of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer, and 268 others, 14 years previous. 300 unarmed Indians were surrounded by the 7th at Wounded Knee and summarily shot. 25 of the 7th were killed by friendly fire. The “Indian Wars” had finally come to a bloody conclusion at Wounded Knee massacre.

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My SimCity Review: Even Though I Have Yet to Play the Game

I enjoy playing online games, even though finding just the right game that suits my style can be a challenge.  I have loved SuperPoke Pets in the past, and now, this week, I have a whole new endearment to endorse — SimCity — even though I have yet to play the game!

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Proving American Indian Casino DNA

I’m not certain if Native American Gangs or casinos owned by Native American tribes do more harm to the heritage of a once proud nation.  Both gangs and casinos serve two evil masters — money and power — and in the end, the result is always emotional evisceration and a disgraced death.

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Inhaling Second and Feeling Fourteen

There is nothing grosser or more despicable than inhaling someone else’s smoky exhale.

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