The Architecture of Belonging: Resurrecting Habeas Corpus

In a historic — and Bush-shattering 5-4 vote — the Supreme Court of the United States of America invoked its inherent authority to decide the law of the land.

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The FBI Wants Your Body

The FBI wants to collect your body as a loyalty test.

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Habeas Corpus: Rescuing the Original Writ

We know bad news is released on Friday and last Friday was no exception when the Supreme Court made history by reversing its previous decision on April 2 — and will now hear the case of Guantanamo detainees who argue they are being illegally held as “enemy combatants” without access to due process in the American federal court system. That Supreme Court reversal — authentic and historic in itself — is Bad News for the Bush administration even as Hamdan v. Rumsfeld rumbles in the distant hearts of many.

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