…Oh, and By the Way… when the Christ Child Grew Up, He took a Wife and Made Her a Disciple

I find the news striking that our favorite former Jew, Jesus Christ, was, in fact, married, and we have the paper to prove it!  The papyrus tells us so, and if we believe in one Holy papyrus, then we must have enough faith to believe in other verified bits of writing, right?

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A historian of early Christianity at Harvard Divinity School has identified a scrap of papyrus that she says was written in Coptic in the fourth century and contains a phrase never seen in any piece of Scripture: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife …’ ”

The faded papyrus fragment is smaller than a business card, with eight lines on one side, in black ink legible under a magnifying glass. Just below the line about Jesus having a wife, the papyrus includes a second provocative clause that purportedly says, “she will be able to be my disciple.”

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