iTunes Shall Be DRM Free

Yesterday’s rather boring Macworld Expo did have one good glimmer of freedom:  iTunes will no longer protect its music with the awful DRM that I hateDigital Rights Management was a golden goose egg that arrived too late and under-cooked.  I was pleased with the announcement that iTunes music would finally belong to those that bought it because that’s the way it was always supposed to be:  Only the container changed. When I jumped into the iTunes store to upgrade my 4,000 song strong iTunes-purchased library, I was met with this offer to upgrade:  $270.84USD for 1,304 total songs.  I clicked that “BUY” button and the download parade began.  Almost.

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I REALly Hate DRM!

I never learn! Microsoft’s Facockta Digital Rights Management is a joke! DRM failed for me on Yahoo! Music at least six times over two months and, this morning, DRM failed again on Real’s Rhapsody music service after less than two weeks! 

Continue reading → I REALly Hate DRM!

Facockta Digital Rights Management

DRM or — “Digital Rights Management” for the blissfully unbroken — is a dream stuck in Hell and is also the facockta name Microsoft has branded its media licensing initiative and it means if, like me, you choose to rent your downloaded music, instead of purchasing it or stealing it, your life is currently miserable. 

Continue reading → Facockta Digital Rights Management