Owning Information Through Inquiry in Missouri

At the Passover Seder, things are structured in such a way to incite inquiry in the minds of the children who are present. The sequence of the meal is different than that of any other meal. Foods are dipped into salt water, which is never done. There are times during the meal when everyone leans a certain way while drinking or eating. All of these things are done partially to stimulate the question of why we are doing things differently. In Missouri, the idea of inquiry leading to better learning is part of a new initiative.

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Bra Colors Bring No Cure for Cancer

You are sitting with a female friend, enjoying a cup of tea and talking about the musical styling of Duffy and the peculiar nature of coated guitar strings and how people could come to use them over normal cutting edge strings. Your friend then tells you that she wants to tell you something very important and stands up, walks around the table, and sidles up next to you.

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Google SMS Answers on Your iPhone

If you aren’t texting the questions in your life to “GOOGLE” (466-453) on your iPhone, or other smart phone, then you aren’t really living an untethered life.  GOOGLE SMS is a free service — though other carrier charges may apply to your SMS phone plan — that instantly answers your questions and helps you win arguments and wager bar bets.  As you can see in the shot below, I was able to get an instant response from Google when I asked for “Weather Los Angeles.”  I was not successful in getting Google to tell me Julie Chen’s age or what year Hawaii gained statehood.

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HIPAA Violations on Medical Dramas and Soap Operas

In 1996, Congress passed a law bringing into effect the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, part of which was meant to protect the privacy of patient information. The simple act of calling a patient and leaving a message saying the results of a clinical test was now forbidden and considered a HIPAA violation.

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Internet Hitler

Could the Internet have stopped Hitler?  If we all blogged about the Beer Hall Putsch — or if we revealed the precision of the train schedules and the suspicious smoke swirling from the Treblinka ovens — could we have stopped the killing of the Jews before the ghosts reached tragic proportions?  Nobel prizewinner Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio believes it possible:

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SpreedNews Review

SpreedNews is the fast way get updated on the world spinning around you.  SpreedNews is a news aggregator with a twist:  You read your news super fast.  You don’t need Evelyn Wood when you have SpreedNews.

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Intent on the Internet: The Intellectual Divide Between Knowledge and Information

Over 50 years ago, C.P. Snow set the educational and cultural and political worlds afire as he argued in his ovaric book — “The Two Cultures” — that there was a growing divide between the Arts/Humanities and Science in explaining how the world worked and he warned us against the perils of getting caught in the crossfire of that ashen division.

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