Realm of the Bitcoin Black Market Economy

The realm of Bitcoin is one of confusion and the dark market.  Bitcoin is a tertiary form of payment that is slowly taking over the backroads of the Internet.  Bitcoins are holograms, Bitcoins are nothing but bits and bytes in the internet ether and, sometimes, Bitcoins are actually made of metal you can hold in your hand.

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Canceling a Skype Subscription via PayPal is Impossible

I’ve had a Skype account since the service started.  I’ve never used Skype to make a single personal or business phone call — even though I always thought one day, any day, I would start Skype-ing like a madman.

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PayPal Doesn't Play

by Mike Exner

Here is a quick little horror story on using the PayPal guaranteed service.

On November 8th, 2000 I ordered a DVD player from E-Commerce Inc. who only accepted payment via the PayPal service. The PayPal service is “supposed” to be very careful about who they do business with and are also “supposed” to check out each business to make sure they are honest and reliable. They stress this in their sign-up forms and in their on-line documentation.

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