Call me a Nigger from the North

If you are easily offended by history, and the muscle memory mnemonics of words like — nigger — then you should not read the rest of this article. Over the many decades we’ve been publishing original work online, one word keeps popping back up for examination in various memes. Yes, that word is — “the N-word” — and we just call it like it is here, because that’s how Nigger has been used in the context of life beyond the Uncanny Valley.

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Memeing What You Say: My People, My Home

There’s an Old Black Guy who stands outside the Journal Square Bus station in Jersey City station selling newspapers on the sidewalk every morning.  He greets everyone who walks past him with a hearty, “Good morning, and how are you doin’ this fine day?”  His voice is syrupy and friendly, but since he repeats that phrase to single person who passes by, the genuineness of the greeting quickly becomes lost in the rote citation.

One morning, an Old White Guy came up to the Old Black Guy and I overheard their conversation that I will share with you now.

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The Meaning of a Confederate Flag Earpiece in 2012

When you see the Confederate flag, what comes to your mind? The first thing I think of is the television program The Dukes of Hazzard, where in the main characters drove a car that had the flag boldly painted on it. The second thing I think of is a rather unfortunate period of history in the United States during which the country was divided and people fought over whether it was acceptable to own a human being as chattel, among other issues. The southern part of the United States was dubbed the Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy, which used the Confederate flag. The states that were part of the Confederacy had seceded from the United States.

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Up from the Hate Box: The Homo Retard Prom

Every day some sort of hate mail arrives in my Inbox and quickly gets filtered into the “Hate” label and away from my immediate eye. Two of the most popular triggers for an email to be filtered into the “Hate” pile are “homo” and “retard” and in a single message yesterday, both of those cue words landed in the heap.

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Haints and Hags

Haints and Hags — is a term I first learned watching a show about South Carolina on one of those fancy cable television channels about flipping houses.

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When the Golden Years Turn to Gold Dust

by Nancy McDaniel

The saddest part to me is that she seems to be disappearing in front of my eyes. The woman whom I have loved for over 40 years, the woman who married my beloved Daddy and who became my sweet step mom, my dearest Ginny, is vanishing. In her frail old age, she is becoming a fragile piece of paper, a puff of smoke. She is diminishing daily and seems to be evaporating.

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