How AI Art Extends Our Originality of Imagination

In the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Art, and NFT Art, there are some who believe that sort of machine-made Art is fakery, and it, therefore, does not quantify as an aesthetic effort, while others, like me, see the rise of AI in Art, and Writing, and Science, as only a good thing — at least for now, before AI inevitably becomes our Overlord — as our ability as a Human Race continues to find new ways extend our originality of imagination. Take, for example, the following set of images where I asked the Midjourney Bot V4, to create a “treehouse neighborhood in a big city.”

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The Imaginary Integer

One vote. One nation. One dream. One spirit. One soul. Except — when, as a person, you’re only worth three-fifths. Who chooses the fraction? Who creates the integral definition of one human life over another based on decimals, point schemes, and not on whole numbers? We like to believe the world is as fair, and as ordered, as our parents promised us it would be. Two arrives after one. The opposite of amber is divinity. The soul of humankind is undisturbed, except by the precepts of intentional evil clinging to the moon to cleave the star. We live in a numeric world, where measurements are predictable, dreams are quantified, and dissolved in commandments, and end games are more than simple crucifixions.

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The Wounding of Surprise and the Danger of Imagination

Surprise and imagination can be both wonderful experiences and dangerous concepts.  We’re trained early in life to find surprise in the world around us, usually juxtaposed against the wilds of nature. We are often encouraged to “think outside the box” and to reimagine reality in ways that can fundamentally change the way we view the world and our role within it. Nothing is out of reason. Everything is possible.

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I Had a Judge Judy Sex Dream

Okay, I admit it.  Two nights ago I awoke from an amazing dream flushed with sandy excitement and the salt of morning grogginess.  I was coming back into being from a sordid sex dream with Judge Judy as the object of my unwitting desire.

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Against Improvisation

Students love improvisation and for that very reason, the faculty must discount improvisation as the domain of the unrehearsed, the imperfect and the consequential shortcut. 

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Imagination and Suicide

I was watching a documentary the other day and an inspired thought was brought forth by a person being interviewed.  He claimed the leading cause of suicide in small towns is due to a lack of imagination.

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Not Writing Real People

As your Script Professor, I created a Dramatic Writing group on Facebook, and one of our members asked me about the problem of writing about real people that you know.  How do you get around their ego that they think you cannot help but write about them?  What do you do about their determination to get paid for inspiring you?  Here are the thoughts I shared.

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