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Does Bioterrorism Pass the Smell Test?

Yesterday in New York and New Jersey we experienced the strangBioterrore and pungent odor of natural gas. No one could explain then and no one, even today, can begin to explain now. What’s going on in the urban core?

The olfactory mystery in the New York region was matched by strange activity elsewhere. In Austin, Tex., police cordoned off 10 blocks of the downtown business district early yesterday after more than 60 birds were found dead overnight along Congress Avenue, which leads to the State Capitol.Air testing there failed to find a cause, but preliminary results determined that people were not at risk. In New York, the piercing odor was the talk of Manhattan, and it called to mind another mystery: the maple syrup odor that people reported smelling on separate days in late 2005 and whose source has never been established. In yesterday’s case, several people said they were overcome by the odor.

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End of the Monsey Exile

After about six months of being in Monsey, New York I am back in my favorite city in the world, New York, New York. I’ve set some serious goals for myself and have, as my friend Joe would say, a “plan of attack.” I tried to leave once more, but this is one city that just doesn’t want to let me go. I don’t want to let it go, either, I suppose you could say.

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