Peeing On Your New Guitar

Men and feral animals like to mark their territory and identify their belongings with urine.  Sure, we men of the world may not always actually pee on our most pleasureful possessions, but we can still find a way to make something uniquely our own that no one else will dare to touch and, in the case of a new guitar, we proudly pee on them with naphtha.

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War Pulls the Piss Out of You

War is pretty nasty and we’ve had most of the gory details from Iraq and Afghanistan hidden from us — but, ever so slowly — the ugly truths are starting to be revealed, and the AP ran a story yesterday about American troops getting their genitalia blown off.

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Overcoming Pee Shyness

Three weeks ago we investigated, Uniform Urination: Analysis of Peeing Postures, where we discussed various forms of male relief. What happens if you cannot go when the urge is pulsing for release? We all suffer from pee shyness at least once in our lives and I experienced an episode after my harrowing hernia operation at Lenox Hill hospital where the head nurse would not discharge me until I peed after surgery.

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Uniform Urination: Analysis of Peeing Postures

There is nothing funnier or worse than wandering into a packed men’s room in New York City at a large venue and being forced to stand in line holding your water. When I first moved to New York City I was going crazy while the tide rose within me as I was forced to eternally wait my turn.

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