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Evolutionary Belief in the Pew

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has a fascinating study that compares belief in evolution against certain religious strata.

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Dream Mapping and the Art of the Mind

What do our dreams tell us?  Do our dreams reveal secret wants?  Or do our dreams give us permission to envision the extraordinary?  Do we really want to tempt the Gods by mapping our dreams to publicly divine and then tie our inner desires to our cognitive reality?

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Amazon Online Reader Review

I love my Kindle book reader but I also, finally, took the plunge to discover the Amazon Online Reader.  If you haven’t used this online service from Amazon yet, you should “upgrade your eligible books” to include the Online Reader version — especially if you’re doing hard research — because you can search the entire book and set a bookmark and you own the book for the rest of your life online:

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Stem Cell Veto: Hurry Up and Die Already!

Yesterday’s veto of Stem Cell research — Bush’s second attempt at stopping human longevity — creates an uncomfortable schism between “Doing the Right Thing” and a narrow religious view pressed into the heart of human suffering favoring the possibility of life over established self-sustained living.
Bush once again presents to the world his indefensible selfish view of pretending to save lives while perpetuating incomprehensible, international, deaths on the battlefield.

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