Reverse Contextual Aural Discrimination: Did You Mean Ass Burger or Asperger?

A while ago, I did a Google search for “ass burger” — and while I can’t remember the why or wherefore, I do remember grabbing this screenshot of the event so we could discuss this later — meaning now.  I wonder how “Asperger” feels being included in a Google search return for “ass burger?”  Is this search return an example of “searching by sound” and not by rational context?  I can’t imagine “ass burger” is a common misspelling for “Asperger.”

Continue reading → Reverse Contextual Aural Discrimination: Did You Mean Ass Burger or Asperger?

Pinwale Pricks Privacy

The NSA is watching you and reading your email even though they aren’t supposed to be doing so without a direct court order. Code-named “Pinwale” — the NSA has been using that database to listen in on your inner email thoughts and wonderings.

Continue reading → Pinwale Pricks Privacy

How Not to Find a Jewish Wife

This article is a little tip for Jewish men (that’s what she said!) who are looking for a wife in New York City.

Continue reading → How Not to Find a Jewish Wife