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Are Food Stamps Making Poor Children Fat?

The Times Leader of Pennsylvania ran an interesting article — citing an unnamed research study — arguing poor children in the urban core are more likely than their richer peers to grow up obese, yet malnourished. 

Continue reading → Are Food Stamps Making Poor Children Fat?

Taxing the Burden of Society

It is Tax Day in America.  Do you owe any money or are you getting money back?  Did you submit your tax return online or through paper mail?  If you don’t live in the USA do you feel you pay too many taxes — or not enough — for the benefits you receive?

Continue reading → Taxing the Burden of Society

Begging From Your Blog

I stumbled across a blog this morning — — where a woman was crying about how poor she was and how she couldn’t clothe her kids and how her welfare check would barely cover her bills in December.

Continue reading → Begging From Your Blog