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The Harbinger of Renewal

As we age, and as we realize there are more days behind us than ahead of us, it becomes necessary to pay more attention to the wild terms of living a dangerous life.  The change of season from Winter to Spring is a harbinger of renewal — and you cannot have new beginnings without the onslaught of death.  Watch for the harbinger.  Weigh the harbinger.  Fight the harbinger.

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What We Fear: The Bloodless Among Us

What do we fear the most?  Our deaths?  American culture is enraptured with the idea of dying in our popular entertainment and religious cultural memes.  Today is Friday the 13th and that means — to many people — that today is an unlucky day, a foreboding moment in time, a chance for the terror within us to strike out in the dark to wound those surrounding us.

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Chinese Horse Fighting

The other day I was doing an innocent internet search on “horses” and I came upon a topic I didn’t know about and certainly didn’t want to see: Chinese Horse Fighting.

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Steve Jobs: Privacy and the Public Persona

Yesterday, Steve jobs confessed what many of us have sensed for a while:  He’s incredibly ill and will not likely last the year.

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The Other Mozart Syndrome

There are actually two “Mozart Syndromes.”  This first one is rather precious and new and deals with washing the sounds of Mozart’s melodies over the ears of babies and young children to help them think more clearly.  The second “Mozart Syndrome” is more ancient, more insidious and much more dangerous by many magnitudes.

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The World Trade Center Falling on Your Head Meme

The sculpture you see below, believe it or not, was created to honor those that died in the World Trade Center airplane bombing on September 11, 2001.  The fact that many people leapt out of the burning buildings to escape the fire in the sky to quickly find their deaths on the ground below was lost on the artist.

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Who is Watching Pakistan?

Mumbai is still trembling.  There is a want for blood and retribution.  What was Pakistan’s role in the bloodbath?  Will Pakistan pay for their role in reaping the carnage?

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