by Peggy Kumke

You should see how GREAT I am looking lately. My butt is really looking good in my clothes. The dimples I am getting are so cute, and they are large enough to show through my pants. It’s really makes the other girls jealous. Oh, I must tell you that my hips are so rounded my pants hardly fit.

Rounding Out to a Beautiful Me
It’s great when you can’t fit into your pants anymore, great feeling. Anyway, my hips have gotten so rounded and full that it is very noticeable how my shape is changing.

My bust is enlarging too. I can hardly wear my little bras . . . I had to go out and buy bigger ones, and it is ALL natural enlargements.

My arms are not looking muscular, but they too are getting rounded and a few dimples show in the under part of my arms, but I am still working on that. It does take time.

My legs are looking great. Finally I am seeing dimples in the upper part of my legs.

Dimples to Die For
Dimples are so cute and it is something we want our kids to have. Maybe on the face where your cheeks are, but dimples can be cute anywhere. I heard that on a talk show. I do believe it is true because you should just see how I look.

And, I do have dimples in my cheeks, my butt cheeks.

Beauty Requires Work
I have worked so hard at getting where I am today. Since you’re my friend I will let you in on the secret on how you can get to look like me, but don’t share it with others. I mean people have wondered how I can look this way. People stare at me when I am in my bathing suit. I just know it’s the cute dimples in my butt.

Oh, and the way my body moves all over when I walk makes the guys turn their heads. I am not joking. Even when I go to the store (of course I wear my short shorts and short top) the heads just turn. It is mostly guys I might add, but girls turn their heads, too.

Sometimes I just want to share my secret with strangers, but I don’t. They will not appreciate it the way I do.

Wrinkle Remover
I also have found a way to remove wrinkles.

Ever since I have been looking so rounded in my face, the wrinkles pushed right out.

I think it took ten years off me. I really am feeling like a new person that I can be proud of.

• 1. Never deprive yourself of any food.
• 2. Eat well, at least 6 full course meals a day.
• 3. Chocolate must be eaten at least 3 times a day.
• 4. Do not exercise more than you have too. Keep your activities at a minimum.
• 5. Look in the mirror everyday at least 10 times a day. It helps you eat more.
• 6. As you start to get your new figure, try on swimsuits, it will change your mood.
• 7. Try on old clothes, it helps you see you are growing in your efforts.
• 8. Don’t ever pass up an offer for food.
• 9. Sleep a lot, it helps the process go faster.
• 10. Always keep munchies on hand. You don’t want to ignore rule .
Enjoy the new secret. I hope you grow in your efforts. Good luck!

I just can’t get over how I have accomplished this new figure of mine; it is so natural for me.

It is something I know I could never give up.

To reward myself I am buying new clothes. Besides my old clothes just don’t fit right. I think new clothes will show off my full figure.