There is no substitution for being clearly understood in an emergency situation.  It is honoring that truth that led Janna and me to invent as a free online portal for urgent, living and dying, communication between first responders and the Deaf. is based on semiotic communication using American Sign Language and English translations.

Responders or the Deaf can click on a series of images that will lead to a quick understanding of basic, urgent care, needs.

We invite you to visit and click around and see how the site works. 

Then we ask you to please help us spread the word by linking to the portal and telling your local fire department, police precinct and hospital that lives to serve the Deaf in distress.


  1. The site is sure getting a lot of attention. I’m glad we made the decision to make it on the domain instead of keeping it on

  2. Janna —
    I agree taking the portal live on was the right move. That domain separates, yet unifies, the goals and mission of the site.

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