Mechanized Morality is my free, insider, newsletter — and a faithful reader of that missive suggested I compress all the Mechanized Morality newsletter updates from 2016-2017 into a “Best of” book — just as I did last month for Boles Blogs, Vol. 8 (2017) — and, my friend, so I have!

Please find “Mechanized Morality” — the eBook! — now available for purchase and download from Amazon Kindle Direct publishing!

By purchasing Mechanized Morality, you are helping support our publishing mandate to tell the truth about the human condition and to reconstruct verity from fact.

We pay for our own server and bandwidth across our nations, and so, if you’ve ever found a fascination with something you’ve read here — please buy the book as a token of appreciation!


Here’s a blurp from the book:

Welcome to the eBook version of the Mechanized Morality newsletter written, and produced, by David Boles. The idea of the newsletter is to examine the connection between what has been lost and what has been put forever missing in the move from a mechanistic life to one of the ethereal. The newsletters included in this volume are from 2016-2017 and you will recognize some of the hard terms of coming to terms with living a modern life.

In this newsletter-as-book you’ll learn about the hardship of politics, the memetic movement of a new Human Meme podcast as well as the merits of giving up bits of yourself for the greater good. Every Mechanized Morality update starts with gears of the day, followed by questions from readers.

We appreciate your ongoing consideration, and attention, in our effort to reform the universe into a better place!