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Embedded Bluetooth Breadcrumbs Leading the Blind

Technology shapes us and betters us, but sometimes it can also belittle our best intentions.  The Talking-Points project is a new idea that hopes to use embedded Bluetooth tags placed strategically throughout a city to communicate with the blind to guide and provide geographic landmarks and local business information.

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Sorry, But Thanks

Gordon Davidescu wrote this article.

One day last week as I was waiting to go to the synagogue where I regularly go to services. I noticed a young woman standing across 96th street holding a cup of, what I assumed to be, coffee. I remember thinking to myself that because it was a Jewish holiday on that day, I was not able to buy myself my own cup of coffee and would have to accept a cup of instant coffee instead. I briefly looked at the cup of coffee cup and then looked back down at the street.

Continue reading → Sorry, But Thanks for the Deaf

Sometimes technology expands just enough to cogently clear the way for expanded communication opportunities. 

When Janna and I created as a portal for emergency communication between the Deaf and fire, police and EMT first responders, we realized it would not have been possible to create the site without the rise of technology and its seeping into every niche of the American psyche.

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Minds On a Wire Reflect a Young Future

We are all tethered to each other via pipes and wires — but every growing day detaches us from deeper connections with the outside world — and our mind-body dyad begins to melt in the soup of technology.

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Separating Semaphores from Semiotics

We love a Semiotic world where images can have a variety of meanings and influences depending on the eye perceiving the message.  

We also live in a Semaphoric world where specific images have a specific, non-negotiable, meaning that cannot, and must not, be open to individual interpretation.  In the image below, those flags, in that exact position, mean “Romeo” or “R” and if you don’t understand that Semaphore, you are unable to communicate or be understood.

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The Deaf iPhone

With the wild rumors this week that we’ll have a new 3G iPhone coming soon in the USA, one cannot escape the delight doing video iChat!

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No Bad News

Janna is fond of replying to the question — “Do you want the bad news first or the good news first?” — by saying “There is no bad or good, you have to deal with it all.”

That’s an incredibly mature way of dealing with life.

I am not quite so mature. 

I always prefer the Bad News first because that is obviously the most conditional and powerful cudgel the teller of the news hopes use to influence your behavior:  Get the chit out of the way so you can enjoy the cream.