What Does it Mean if You are Beaten in the Presidential Polls in Your Home State?

Nearly a month ago, publisher David Boles wrote an insightful article about the forthcoming 2012 elections that put a tremendous fear in me — the fear that Sarah Palin could win the Presidential election. It is something that people have been discussing in increasingly greater detail over the last three years, pretty much since it was announced that Ms. Palin was going to be John McCain’s running mate in 2008.

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Why We Do Not Fear Sarah Palin

If you say anything negative about Sarah Palin — or her fruitless brood on the internets — there are the “Sarah Defenders” who will clamber out of their rat holes to heel by her side and give it to you in email while insulting you with rabid commentary.  We have the “Obama Effect” and we have the “Palin Frenzy” and I will choose effectiveness over rapture every time.

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Ten Ninety-Five

Baby Mamma Baby Waver
becomes ridiculous premarital
Teen Pregnancy Spokesmommy

Drowning in Oil and the Suffocating Shore

The British Petroleum oil spill currently poisoning the Gulf of Mexico and saturating the American coastline with a thick, brown, three-inch, frosting of petroleum gunk, is both tragic and completely expected.  When “Drill, Baby, Drill” becomes the hubristic political mantra of a radical wing, the end result of such an insane and insensitive notion is the punishment currently shattering the shores of Louisiana that will shame the previous, and preventable, Katrina damage by a magnitude of suffering humanity and rotting wildlife.

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Dumb Like Me: Populism as Political Punishment

Here is a headline from the New York Times published on November 21, 1922:

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The Mysterious Case of the Backward B

Ashley Todd is a Palin/McCain supporter and she claims an Obama supporter/robber attacked her and then demanded money before carving a “B” on her cheek.  Some believe her story is more hoax than crime.

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Shatting on Palin

William Shatner’s goofing on Sarah Palin’s farewell speech was funny the first time.  The second time, when Shatner tried to make fun of her Tweets, he plopped
and flopped
 — all while the musicians
behind Shatner were mugging for the camera in a wholly inappropriate manner.

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