Hello Urban Semiotic Weekend Reader! We are thrilled to have you with us as we try to discover your wants and needs beyond the workweek. We have some questions for you and we’d really appreciate it if you took a moment to give us some feedback in the form of a comment on this post.

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All Blog owners know we get the greatest number of comments and readers
during the workweek. Readers seem to enjoy popping into blogs to break
up the boredom of the workday.
Weekends and Holidays are different. Blog readers drop away.

The amount
of comments plunge. For two days we whistle through the graveyard
hoping for Monday to hit — just once! — after Saturday instead of
You’ll never meet a bunch of more dedicated people than blog owners who
wished you perpetually worked more hours and had lots of weekend
Overtime so you could stay with us forever!
We here at Urban Semiotic
are interested to know if your weekend Blog article needs differ from
those during the workweek:

1. Do you read this blog as often as you do during the workweek? If
yes, why? If not, why not?

2. Do you prefer the same sort of content on this blog during the
weekend that you get during the workweek? If yes, what are your
favorite topics? If not, what topics would you like to see covered?

3. Please order the following into your preferred Urban Semiotic
weekend topics: Humor, Reviews, Commentary on World Events, More Herpes stories.

Do you prefer to read our longer articles that are a 1,000 words or
more? Or do you prefer our briefer articles under 300 words?

5. How much time do you spend reading/commenting on this blog during
the week and how much time do you spend reading/commenting on the

6. Do you read everything here every day? Or do you only visit us on
the weekends?

7. If you are a regular reader here — but have yet to leave a comment
on any article — what can we do to encourage you to step out of the
depths and begin to offer a comment or two on a regular basis?
That’s it for now!

Thank you so much for reading this far; we all look forward to helping make Urban Semiotic a place that better suits your needs on the weekend and beyond!


  1. Honestly, I read every single day, because I know there’s a different post every day, I know that post is going to be interesting, and while I don’t always comment, that’s probably because I don’t know quite what to say based on my little knowledge of a specific topic.
    I personally find your longer posts are more interesting because you can add a lot more detail and thus make it more in depth.
    I also love the way that you try and reply to every single comment too. Yours is the only blog where I’ve seen that happen.
    In my honest opinion David, keep on doing exactly what you already are. I love hopping on over to see what you have to say each and every day.

  2. Hi Dawn!
    Wowser! You made my day!
    We always wonder who and what and how we’re being read and why — and sometimes it’s beneficial to stop and analyze where we are and what we’re doing and not doing by getting feedback from you.
    Thanks for the specifics and the much appreciated Pep Talk!

  3. Lol, you’re very welcome 😀
    This blog is literally one of the few entries that are left from my original blogroll. So many people have come and gone, but I’ve never had the urge to take you off my blogroll, and I still read every day, so you must be doing something right 😛

  4. Thanks, Dawn! I read your blog every day, too. You’re always honest and open and that’s really refreshing to read.
    We like to focus on Urban Issues here — but the great thing about having a blog with so many different POVs is everyone can meander around and wonder about things and try to make connections between ideas and thoughts that others don’t think should connect with each other.
    When that happens — and when others join in seeing and in making those new connections — real magic happens!
    Your loyalty and support are greatly appreciated and you always have something important to say.

  5. I usually read every day – unless I am away.
    Like Dawn I always know there will be an interesting topic.
    Similarly I will comment if I think I can add something to the discussion.
    I think you do a great job and particularly admire the manner in which you answer every comment.

  6. Thanks for the excellent feedback, Nicola!
    We’ve been discussing in the private portal how important it is to reply to every comment — to not do so is to not honor the time and effort of those who take the time to provide an interesting thought for continued discussion.

  7. 1) I read every day via. RSS.
    2) Yes
    3) No comment
    4) I say keep the articles at the length they are at the moment; it’s a good way to use some time reading here.
    5) Probably about 2 or 3 hours.
    6) Every day via RSS
    7) Ask for our opinions at the end of most articles.
    Sorry for the brief answers; I’m just busy!

  8. Thanks, Joe!
    I always appreciate your keen comments when you have time to provide them. I thank you for reading us so early and often!
    You make a good point about #7. I don’t always ask for comments at the end of an article because I feel the offer is implied based on history and the comments form — but you’re right it doesn’t hurt to directly ask questions or for feedback. That might help those who are shy step forward and take a leap into the mix.

  9. Hi David,
    It goes without saying – I am a regular reader of this blog; I read it everyday.
    I am the wrong person to answer question 2 & 3, I read anything and everything here.
    Article length should depend on the topic, some topics need more words!

  10. Thanks for weighing in on this, Katha! I appreciate you reading every day! I love your articles you write for us.
    I also love it when you comment so even if you have nothing to say, say it anyway! You’re always interesting!

  11. 1. Yes. Why not?
    2. Yes. Solipsistic/Enlightenment.
    Philosophy. Changing the world thru this
    4. Both
    5. One hour/day average 7 days/week.
    6. Read everything.

Comments are closed.